- Movie: Sweet & Sour
- Native Title: 새콤달콤
- Cast : Jang Ki-Yong, Chae Soo-Bin, Krystal Jung, etc.
- Episodes: 1
- Aired: Jun 4, 2021
- Original Network: Netflix
- Duration: 1 hr. 42 min.
- Also Known As: Sweet and Sour , Saekomdalkom
- Director: Lee Kye-Byuk
- Genres: Comedy, Romance, Melodrama
- Synopsis : Faced with real-world opportunities and challenges, a couple endures the highs and lows of trying to make a long-distance relationship survive. Jang Hyuk is a man who wants to have both work and love with his girlfriend Da Eun, and Bo Young is a woman he meets in a new environment. It is a refreshing romantic comedy about the complicated relationships between three people who are experiencing different emotions.
Subtitle : Subscene | Indexsubtitle
Source video : Netflix version